Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Violet the Pancake

Yesterday, our sweet 4 month old decided to start flipping from her back to her tummy and back again. We are so proud of her, but it has made for some interesting nap times... We lay her on her back and she immediately flips over on her tummy. Then, she gets so mad that she's on her tummy that she screams until someone comes to flip her back. We flip her back and the whole routine starts over again! Pretty humorous. So...Miss Violet...We may have to let you cry a bit.

On another note, Ruby can quiet Vi in 3 seconds flat by singing her the Home Alone theme song using only Violet's name. It's quite sweet. You should try it sometime.

Yesterday, R and I were discussing how kids lose their baby teeth. She said , with tears in her eyes, "But Mom, if I don't have any teeth, what will I use to smile at your camera?"

I've started this blog, in part, to keep track of the girls daily commentary and milestones and to update you all on our daily lives. We still have our family blog It will have any pics and major happenings on it. Hopefully, it will brighten your day.

1 comment:

Art said...

Speaking of pancakes--I have to imagine Violet is really just trying to say: "mom, dad don't you think it is time for me to switch from formula to pancakes every day." If she grabs J-Honks dark chocolate and flips I am sure of it and would add that she is requesting chocolate chip pancakes. If you are unsure, I would check with Super Ru on the matter as she most likely has the best grasp on what Violet is trying to say. Guess you didn't know your interest in Subarus was really just a hint at your eldest's secret super hero name.