Thursday, January 17, 2008

Quote time Catch-Up

As Ruby is getting ready to play her pink drum set...

R: Mom, I have to move my drum stool, so I don't break my legs and have to play my drums in a wheelchair. Then, I have to use my drum key so I can my my drums sound different.

Discussing work with Mom:

Heidi: When do you work, Ruby?

Ruby: Well, I work on Mondays, Saturdays, November, May, and January!

After being tucked in by mom and dad,
R: But I don't want to be left alone to talk to just Bunny, Jesus, and God!

One Morning:

R: where is Dad?

H: He is already at work. And Mommy has to work hard today, too.

R: Mommy, you don't work! You just stay home, put things in the oven , and play with me and Vi!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute, cute!!! We miss you girls!!!